

  1. Anastasia Krylova. History, Structure and Origins of the Autochthonous Scripts for Munda languages for Anthropos (submission accepted)
  2. Anastasia Krylova, Evgeniya Renkovskaya. Religion and language preservation: case of Sora для Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics (submission accepted)
  3. Evgeniya Renkovskaya, Anastasia Krylova. Mother tongue in education: a step towards preservation of language diversity of the Himalayas // Language Endangerment and Language Revitalization in Himalaya (Proceedings of the International Seminar on Endangered Languages of Himalaya, Almora 2018), Doon Library and Research Centre, Dehradun, 2020.
  4. Anastasia Krylova. Some areal features of the 110-item wordlist for the Indo-Aryan languages of South Odisha // Journal of Language Relationship, № 17/3-4, 2019 – p.285-296
  5. Krylova A.S., E.A. Renkovskaya. “Nekotorye aspekty sociolingvisticheskoj situacii plemeni Gutob” // Yazyki Yugo-Zapadnoj Azii i Severnoj Afriki. Trudy nauchnoj konferencii. Institut vostokovedeniya RAN, 24 – 25 aprelya 2019. [“Some aspects of the sociolinguistic situation of the Gutob tribe” // Languages ​​of Southwest Asia and Northern Africa. Conference proceedings.] M.: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2019. p. 62-67
  6. Anastasia Krylova, Evgeniya Renkovskaya. Areal features of the basic vocabularies of the languages of the South Odisha // South Asian Languages Analysis (SALA-35) October 29-31, 2019, Paris
  7. Krylova A.S., E.A. Renkovskaya. “Pyat’ vidov pis’mennosti yazyka Sora:  prichiny poyavleniya i processy stanovleniya” // Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya Lingvisticheskij forum 2019:  Korennye yazyki Rossii i mira 4–6 aprelya 2019 g. Moskva, Institut yazykoznaniya RAN. Tezisy dokladov. M. IYAz RAN, 2019. 140-141  [Five types of Sora writing systems: causes, genesis and formation // International Conference Linguistic Forum 2019: Indigenous Languages ​​of Russia and the World, April 4–6, 2019 Moscow, Institute of Linguistics, RAS. Abstracts. M. IL RAS, 2019. 140-141
  8. . Renkovskaya E.A., A.S. Krylova, Yu.E. Berezkin. “Novye dannye po fol’kloru i mifologii Indii (materialy Kullui i Sora)” // Sbornik nauchnyh statej v chest’ yubileya Ya.V. Vasil’kova. Sostaviteli i otvetstvennye redaktory M.F. Al’bedil’ i N.A. Yanchevskaya. SPb.: MAE RAN, 2018. p. 39-50. [New data on the South Asian folklore and mythology (the Kullui and Sora materials)) // Mitrasampradānam. A collection of papers in honour of Yaroslav Vassilkov. Edited by M.F. Albedil and N. Yanchevskaya. St. Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2018. p. 557-569.
  9. Krylova A.S. “Istoriya, struktura i proiskhozhdenie avtohtonnyh pis’mennostej yazykov Munda” // Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriya i sovremennost’ 2018, №3 C. 119-132 [Krylova A.S. History, structure and origin of the Munda autochthonous scripts  ​// Vostok (Oriens). African and Asian Societies: History and Present 2018, No. 3 p. 119-132]
  10. Krylova A.S. “Klassifikaciya yazykov Munda po dannym leksikostatistiki” // Trudy Instituta vostokovedeniya RAN. Vyp. 6: Problemy obshchej i vostokovednoj lingvistiki: Yazyki Yuzhnoj i Yugo-Vostochnoj Azii (Materialy nauchnoj konferencii, IV RAN, 26 oktyabrya 2016 g.) M.: IV RAN, 2017. S. 181-195. [Krylova A.S. Classification of Munda languages ​​according to lexicostatistics // Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 6: Problems of general and oriental linguistics: Languages ​​of South and Southeast Asia, Conference proceedings. Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017. p. 181-195]
  11. Krylova A.S. (pri uchastii I.V. Samarinoj) “Pis’ma iz Orissy” // Zhizn’ kak ekspediciya. Sbornik statej k 50-letiyu shkoly polevoj lingvistiki A. E. Kibrika i S. V. Kodzasova, t. 2, Moskva, 2017. p. 894-929. [Krylova A.S. (with the participation of I.V. Samarina) “Letters from Odisha” // Life as an expedition. A collection of articles dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the School of Field Linguistics of A.E. Kibrik and S.V. Kodzasov, vol. 2, Moscow, 2017. p. 894-929.]
  12. Krylova A.S. “Avtohtonnye pis’mennosti yazykov munda” // Materialy 12-oj konferencii po yazykam Dal’nego Vostoka, Yugo-Vostochnoj Azii i Zapadnoj Afriki (LESEWA-XII). Moskva, 2016. s. 137-149. [Krylova A.S. “Autochthonous scripts of Munda languages” ​​// Proceedings of the 12th Conference on the Languages ​​of the East Asia, Southeast Asia and West Africa (LESEWA-XII). Moscow, 2016. 137-149.]
  13. Krylova A.S. “Klassifikaciya yazykov munda po dannym leksikostatistiki” // Vostokovednye chteniya 2016. Yazyki Yuzhnoj i Yugo-Vostochnoj Azii (tezisy dokladov). Moskva, 2016. s. 19-21. [Krylova A.S. Classification of Munda languages ​​according to lexicostatistics // Oriental Readings 2016. Languages ​​of South and Southeast Asia (abstracts). Moscow, 2016. p. 19-21.]